Dear sr. Rosilla our Superior General and all the participants of the XIth General Chapter.

Greetings from sisters of the Siliguri Province.

Every Six years the General Chapter marks the most important event in the life of our Institute and each one of us. The Chapter, it is a time of grace, a time of listening and a time of dialogue. A General Chapter cannot be simply the affair of a group of people chosen for this task, but it is the affair of all the members of the Institute. As you all are pulled together to participate in the XIth General Chapter, to reflect and discern together how the Congregation is called to live our mission into the emerging future, a future which calls for creativity, courage and commitment so that God’s immense tender, strong and merciful love may shape that future.

Sisters, we accompany you through our prayers. The same Spirit who spoke to our founders continues to speak to the heart of each of the present members of the Institute.

May the triune God lead you on the path of grace so that you might be open to the lights, He is always offering for your discernment and pack you up with the wisdom.

Finally, we turn our eyes to the Blessed Virgin Mary our Patroness, to march along with you and assist you during the General Chapter.

Wishing you all the best.

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