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The North Brazil Province consists of 26 sisters of different nationalities: Brazilian (12), Italian (6), Indian (4), Papuan (2) and Bengali (2).
There are three communities: the general house, the international novitiate and the London community. Among the members are 14 Italian, 10 Indian, 3 Papuan, 2 Bangladeshi and 1 Brazilian.
A look at the medieval Borgo of Rocca di Papa, the venue for our XII General Chapter. A place rich in history.
I primi tre giorni a Rocca di Papa: riflessione, preghiera e condivisione sul tema dell’obbedienza. La presentazione del libro sui primi 10 anni di storia dell’Istituto.
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With immense gratitude to the Lord today we have concluded the election of the General Superior and we are happy to communicate the result SR. ANTONELLA TOVAGLIERI Reconfirmed Congregation Leader of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Let us entrust to the maternal care of Mary Immaculate, so that she may be her model and inspiration in her commitment. We entrust to your prayers the continu...
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