When the desire to know the Word of God invades the hearts of young people, any place and time are appropriate to devote to it.
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
When the desire to know the Word of God invades the hearts of young people, any place and time are appropriate to devote to it.
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
The communities of Rome have welcomed the proposal of the General Direction of praying creatively for the forth-coming General Chapter. With this intention a pilgrimage was organized on 27th May Sunday. Following the footsteps of the traditional route of the Roman pilgrims, about 23 km along the “7 Churches” – the Basilicas of the city, we walked, prayed and offered the pilgr...
Sr. Ratnakumari Mallampalli and Sr. Alphonsa Thalari are seen pronouncing their perpetual Vows on 12 June 2022, at Vimala Niketan (Provincial house) Siliguri. The Solemn Eucharistic celebration was led by most Rev. Clement Tirkey, the Bishop of Jalpaiguri Diocese along with seven other priests.
Tv2000 dedicates the episode of the Diary of Pope Francis of 21 May 2020 to the Corona Virus Emergency in the Amazon. Present among the guests sr. Laura Valtorta, Missionary of the Immaculate – PIME, who connects directly from Peru, where she is staying for an itinerant evangelization initiative. Speaking with her are: Lucia Capuzzi, Avvenire journalist, father Angelo Plodari, Scalabrinian M...
Sr. Bertilla about this photo: "The joy of being with the children - who are fragile, innocent, peace loving and peace makers. As a young missionary, amidst the children, in VIMALA MUMBAI, I began to soar high in the sky, for my enthusiasm and love for mission in INDIA had no bounds. Amidst them I learnt to be happy always and to spread smile".
Sr. Silvan Lobo, a pioneer missionary in PNG with Mr. Michael and Mrs. Francil, near Alotau Cathedral. Mrs. Francil was assisting sr. Silvana in the HIV/AIDS Central Programme.
At that time there were no ambulances to transport the sick from the villages.
In the prison of Bragança Paulista, in the state of San Paolo, a group of prisoners prepared for the Sunday liturgy.
October 1971 to March 1972. Mother Igilda Rodolfi is seen escorted by Sr. Rita Maggioni, the then Delegate Superior to India, for a visit at St. Mary’s Leprosy Centre, Bhimavaram. The inmates of the hospital are seen conversing with Mother.
If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.