Yesterday, on the feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we had the official beginning of our XI General Chapter  with the solemn Eucharistic celebration at 8.30 am. Some of our sisters from the community of Torre Gaia and Via Salvini, other than that many others followed us through youtube. Fr. Ferruccio Brambillasca, Superior General of PIME, presided over the Eucharistic celebration.
He invited  us to reflect on three teachings of Mother Mary: to seek the will of God in this Chapter, to make courageous choices and to live the experience of communion. You can download the homily of Fr. Ferruccio Brambillasca here: Homily Sup. Gen. PIME

After the Mass we proceeded to the Chapter hall in procession, with the disponibility (disposition) to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us. Sr. Rosilla Velamparambil gave her opening message to the Chapter members which you will find here Opening Message

In the afternoon Sr.Rosilla Velamparambil, along with her council, presented the report of the General Direction.


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