If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.
Presentation of the new site
From Infant Missionaries to Young Missionaries
, Media, Missionary life, Videos, Media, Siliguri - India
The Pre novitiate community: Nirmala Jyothi Niwas, Siliguri share with us the journey of the 30 members which begun as INFANT MISSIONARIES and today is called YOUNG MISSIONARIES.
Building the Church of the future, starting from learning English!
, Missionary life, Bangladesh
Building systematically the Church of the future with the Intensive English Course, starting from some key words: TOGETHER, CHARISM, INTERNATIONALITY, FUTURE. The Intensive English Course, a learning experience. The Intensive English Course that the Bangladesh Conference of Religious (BCR) organizes every year at the BCR Center (Savar, Dhaka), is a 40-days-program, participated by the candidates...
Missionary animation for youth
, Missionary life, Hong Kong – China
The very opening sentence in Redemptoris Missio says, “The mission of Christ the Redeemer, which is entrusted to the Church, is still very far from its completion.” This becomes the burning flame, in every ardent missionary, to reach out to the Church in need and to carry Her activities. Here the words of St. Paul, become active and alive to a missionary, “Woe to me, if I do not preach the G...
Festival of the Mission: MISSION IS POSSIBLE!
, Evangelization, Missionary life
The first glance of the Mission Festival looked like an authentic “Amusement Park” of the mission! The beautiful initiatives proposed have filled our daily schedule. We started our day with the Holy Mass together, then divided ourselves into groups for the various testimonies and round table discussions offered by a variety of programs. At lunch and dinner times, there were the innov...
Mission: a journey that changes your outlook – part two
, Missionary life
Some of the young people who left on mission this year wanted to share with us what has helped them to change their outlook towards acceptance, love, joy, poverty, sacrifice, vocation... and much more.
Satellite presence in Torpignattara
, Missionary life, comunità Direzione generale, General Direction comunity
Staying and sharing with people, is our missionary style in the new satellite presence recently started in the Torpignattara neighbourhood of Rome.
Life and mission in inter-cultural living
, Missionary life, Cameroon, chad
It’s not rare that we experience cultural shock when we step into a new cultural milieu. Cultural shock is the feeling of anxiety that we experience after we move into an entirely new environment. To me cultural shock surfaced within a few days of my arrival to Chad. I could experience the difficulty in assimilating the new culture and its gestures without knowing what was appropriate and what w...
Missionary to discover Jesus in the people
, Evangelization, Missionary life
sr. Alcinete goes back to Cameroon after a period of service in Brazil and discovers new missionary challenges; first among these is to discover Jesus in the people.