sr Fausta Gadda

A gentle and good person, always serene and of great faith, constantly grateful to God for her life and missionary vocation. This could be a rough portrait of Sr. Fausta.

At the age of 26, she was entrusted with the numerous young people in training in the 60s. For ten years she dedicated herself with love and above all with her life testimony to the formation of young aspiring missionaries. In 1973 took place the destination and departure for the mssion in Hong Kong. Here she dedicates herself to pastoral work, to visiting families and the sick, always with her smile and her caracteristic welcoming gestures, love and closeness towards everyone. This is how she expresses herself in one of her writings: “the apostolate that is closest to my heart here is that of living in charity among ourselves and with others, as an expression of God’s love for all. If this aspect were missing ours would only be a social work and anyone could do it”.

She was forced to return to Italy due to health problems that Sr. Fausta faced with courage,  great faith and abandonment to God. She was also given roles of responsibility in leading the communties and the nascent Italian Delegation. Her constant refrain in those times, according to the testimony of many of her sisters, was the warm exhortation to live with enthusiasm and to live one’s missionary vocation with enthusiasm and love, taking advantage of daily life to transform it, through trust and joy, into an offering to God and as an unequivocal testimony to the people around. Health problems give her no respite but Sr. Fausta has been able to make a missionary gift of them to Church and to the world, as witnessed in her writing from 2010:

 “Dearest sisters, I am thinking that there is a lot of traffic in heaven to sort out the new arrivals, because once again St. Peter has asked me that to stay here assuring me that it is not yet my turn to be called. May be your prayers made God to change his plan. As you know I have had quite a few health problems; between stitching and mending I have seen several operating rooms, but now I really hope that the last stitch is the definitive one and above all the decisive one!

So being a companion of the sick, I have become a sick person to be accompanied, but even this long moment is a geat school of faith, of hope and abandonment and a source of grace, peace and rediscovery of the saving value of unwanted suffering, but welcomed and offered in union with the suffering that our Church and the entire world are experiencing. I was consoled and suppported by the affection, closeness and prayers of all of you, dearest ones. It’s nice to feel that we are part of a big family that accompanies with patience and love the path of those in need and for everthing I thank the Lord who I feel close and loving. Assuring my prayers for each of you, I ask you to continue yours for me, so that I can regain full health and resume my service to the community, however willing to live what the Lord offers me everyday, even if sometimes I struggle a little to understand the reason, but in the certainity of alwasys being in the hand of the Lord”.  

Despite your short stay in the mission in Hong Kong, we recognize dear Sr. Fausta that your whole life has been a mission. Through your testimony and your words you have trained many missionaries and have sown hope and love. Thank you Sr. Fausta.


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