On the occasion of the 27th world day for consecrated life which is celebrated on February 2, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life, addresses a letter to all consecrated men and women in which he refers to the synodal path that the whole church is following. The Church is called to “widen the curtain”, that is, to give new strength to missionary action. The mission, says the letter, “gives us the opportunity to return to God’s style which is compassion, closeness, and tenderness, which is expressed in words, in presence, in bonds of friendship”.

The identity of the consecrated life is the continuous search for communion with the heart of God which takes concrete form in the “call to bear witness to the Gospel by taking care of the most fragile, of those who are victims of injustice and social inequalities, making gestures of solidarity, engaging in building a future of peace and a world in which everyone can recognize themselves as brothers and sisters”.


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