Se vuoi collaborare con noi, sostieni un progetto o aiuta un bambino a distanza. Se vuoi condividere più da vicino la nostra missione diventa socio della ONLUS “Amici delle Missionarie dell’Immacolata” oppure entra nel gruppo dei Laici MdI.
Dalle sorelle
Bhimadole community
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
We joined you with our prayer. We are all grad to see you as one apostolic body
MsI Lay Associates Vinukonda – Hyderabad Province
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
May God accompany you all with good health and happiness. We lift you all to God in Prayer.
Siliguri Province
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
May God enlighten you all with his Spirit and cloth you with His strength throughout the Chapter as you discern what God wants of us in these changing times.
Dalle comunità
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
messaggi di alcune comunità delle diverse provincie e delegazioni presenti nei cinque continenti.
Nirmala Bhawan Community
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
As you gather together to celebrate the XII Generale Chapter, may God enlighten you with His Spirit and envelope you with His strength throughout the Chapter.
Papua New Guinea Province
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
Your Sisters from the Province of Papua New Guinea convey our Prayers and best wishes. May you be filled and guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. May Mary our Mother, Patroness accompany you through her presence.
Dornakal Community
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
Jesus the Apostle of the Father, the light of the Spirit, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Woman of Faith, Mother Dones, Mother Igilda, Father Manna and Msgr. Balconi, accompany the journey of our Institute during the XII General Chapter.
MsI Lay Associates – Vijayawada Province
, Messaggi XII Capitolo
We convey our best wishes for the 12th General Chapter. We Assure You of Our Prayers For the Success of This Great Event of Our MSI