quadro vila prundenteOn 16th July1954, the first Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate (Sr. Clara Donzelli, Sr. Filippa Rota, Sr. Celestina Magni and Sr. Leontina Cinelli) reached Pedrinhas, in the State of Sao Paulo after a long journey in the ship. Thanks to the witness of life and dedication of the sisters, through whom, began to flourish, local vocations.

Our missionary family grows; new communities are opened and others are closed to respond to always new and different demands of evangelizing needs. This opens always new horizons.

Animated by a profound missionary spirit, in 1969, some sisters leave for North Brazil and go to the Amazonia. The distances are immense and at that time, the means of communication were less, as those places were known a little. For the sisters it was a new missionary opening. In 1979, we were urged to the mission of ad extra of giving of our poverty. Today, the Brazilian sisters are present in the five continents.

At the moment in South Brazil there are 30 sisters of different nationalities: Brazilians, Italians, Indians and 1 Chinese. We are mainly engaged in the missionary and vocation animation, in the activities of forming leaders in the ambit of pastoral, biblical/catechetical and in the basic Christian communities. We are actively involved in the field of health, especially in the alternative medicines, and work for the human and social formation of groups of women, young people and adolescents. A sister teaches Missiology at some local universities and another sister works in the PIME Editing magazine World and Mission in the field of digital communication. We also administer a centre for underprivileged children and adolescents in the outskirts of the city of Sao Paulo, at Vila Missionaria.

The social and fraternal solidarity, building relations, and proclaiming the Gospel are the key challenges of our missionary presence in this part of Brazil.

Seminatore cappella Brasile NordWe opened the first community in the Amazon in 1969 accepting the invitation of Msgr. Archangel Cerqua, PIME. Five sisters from the South Brazil were sent to North Brazil (Sr. Benta Cinelli, Sr. Rita Pasqua, Sr. Doralina Tedesco, Sr. Magdalena Sette e Sr. Imelda Zandonadi).

In order to encourage the accompaniment of the sisters and the apostolic activities in 1978 we felt the need to establish the delegation house in North Brazil, dependent on the Province of South Brazil, which was erected in 1990 as Province.

At present we are about thirty sisters in the Amazon, of five different nationalities: Brazilians, Italians, Indians, Bangladeshis and Papuans. Most of the local vocations are sent to other continents for the missionary activity.

We are committed in the missionary animation, pastoral, catechetical, and formation of leaders in the periphery parishes and communities along the Amazon Rivers. We work in the pastoral care of the prisoners, in the area of health, especially natural medicines. We work for the human and social promotion of teenagers, young people and women and we accompany the indigenous communities.

Other than the great challenge of evangelization in such vast and isolated areas, along with the Church of North Brazil, we face the challenges of growing globalization, exclusion and devastation that threaten the environment, the poor and the indigenous people in the territory.

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