To live a simple, unpretentious life, happy to be who we are.
M. Igilda
To live a simple, unpretentious life, happy to be who we are.
M. Igilda
We make sure that, like a seed, it germinates and bears fruit in us and, thanks to its profound unity with the Eucharist, transforms us into Christ, Bread for the life of all.
I tried to sacrifice every desire of mine, any little satisfaction, in order to keep company with the missionaries in the hardships of their apostolic life. To suffer for them, to suffer with them. M. Igilda
I trust in you, my God, make my life a small instrument in your hands for the salvation of souls.
We have truly to wait “with the lamp filled with oil and shining”, because, when we are not expecting it, our Lord will come to lead us to work in His Vineyard.
The Lord chooses whom He wants for His Works. He does not need either our talents or our external gifts. Rather, He chooses most unsuitable persons to show that it is He who works, and makes those very works flourish. M. G. Dones
When the missionary has completed his missionary rounds and retires to the capital of his district, how much peace, how much silence and tranquillity he enjoys! How long he then lingers with the Lord who is there in the Tabernacle of his little church, who is there primarily for him!
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, that is the secret of our perseverance in our vocation. He gave Himself, He gives Himself to the missionary wherever he goes, wherever he is, so as not to leave him alone and without comfort He shares his poverty, his loneliness... He gave Himself to the Missionary without reserve, for ever and without repentance to perform sublime works of redemption and sanctificatio...
If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.