Holiness is not a privilege of a few people, but a duty for all men of good will. I have decided to start living. M. Igilda
Well, we shall be the poor fisher women, a “family” whose members are truly missionary souls concerned about … the true spirit of fraternity that should unite all men on earth in a perfect charity. M. Igilda
Surely, at this time there are more serious worries that cannot leave our souls indifferent as we are concerned about truth, justice, the true spirit of fraternity that should unite all men on earth in a perfect charity and mercy towards our brethren. M. Igilda
The past is gone and we must entrust it to the divine Mercy. Our infidelity must serve us as a spur to begin again to run with fervour along the way of holiness and thus make up for the time lost. M. G. Dones
Let us make use of all possible means of prayer and sacrifices to win the divine Mercy and so see our great hopes realised. M. Igilda
May this Season of Advent be for us truly a period of penance and preparation: let us keep always in our mind the vision of this great Opera that we, so small and unworthy, are waiting for and let us work in such a way that the waiting may help us to become more and more holy. M. Igilda
Willingly we pray the Lord every day and for this purpose, we offer our Holy Communion so that God may grant to the Holy Father the abundance of his grace, of his enlightenment, of that supernatural peace of which the Vicar of Jesus Christ is worthy. M. Igilda
May God bless us, comfort us, encourage us, sanctify us: we are his, ready to work for Him, as he wants, when he wants, where he wants: We have truly to wait “with the lamp filled with oil and shining”, because, when we are not expecting it, our Lord will come to lead us to work in His Vineyard. M. Igilda
Cercavo di sacrificare ogni mio desiderio, qualunque piccola soddisfazione, per far compagnia ai missionari nei disagi della loro vita apostolica. Soffrire per loro, soffrire con loro. M. Igilda
Il desiderio ardente della vita missionaria si era tuttavia fissato nella mia mente e mi perseguitava giorno e notte. M. Igilda

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