Let us keep always in our mind the vision of this great Opera that we, so small and unworthy, are waiting for and let us work in such a way that the waiting may help us to become more and more holy.
M. Igilda
Let us keep always in our mind the vision of this great Opera that we, so small and unworthy, are waiting for and let us work in such a way that the waiting may help us to become more and more holy.
M. Igilda
I have found near the Tabernacle the strength I needed. I felt in prayer and surrender to God a new impulse, a deep desire for not leaving a stone unturned.
Let us not let the opportunity pass to perform acts of humility, simplicity, gentleness and sisterly charity
When the missionary has completed his missionary rounds and retires to the capital of his district, how much peace, how much silence and tranquillity he enjoys! How long he then lingers with the Lord who is there in the Tabernacle of his little church, who is there primarily for him!
Jesus is everything to us, and Jesus is in the Holy Eucharist. So what can we lack? If we lack anything, is it not because we keep ourselves far from Him, who is the source of all graces? From these simple words you draw the consequences.
We have truly to wait “with the lamp filled with oil and shining”, because, when we are not expecting it, our Lord will come to lead us to work in His Vineyard.
The tiny seed was humbly sown and the grace of God made it fruitful.
Now we are twelve; this number reminds us of the twelve apostles and this must please Jesus. Didn’t he start with twelve fishermen? Well, we shall be the poor fisher women. M. Igilda
If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.