From Milan to Monza: The house at Melloni street was very small for the new born missionary family, which continued to accept young girls. Thanks to PIME, the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate receive as donation the house of Mr.Pennati at Villa Boschetto, on the outskirts of Monza. On 19th November, the sisters shifted themselves to this house.
The house at Melloni Street suffered a bomb blast during the Second World War.
Decree of the canonical approval of the new Congregation: With the decree by the cardinal of Milan, His Eminence Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, the institute becomes as diocesan right “diocesan right”, with the name of, “MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE IMMACULATE” on 25th March.
Religious profession of the first Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate:
3rd October: Profession of Sr. Igilda Rodolfi;
15th October: Profession of the first group of sisters.
The two houses: The opening of the community of Masaccio Street in Milan takes place on 18th October. Thanks to PIME, the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate receive as donation from the Family of Fossati, the “Villa Triste” near the ancient chapel of San Siro of Vepra. The house was used by the Fascists of Banda Koch as a place for prisoners and torture. His Eminence Cardinal Schuster speaking to the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate says that from that moment onwards it was the commitment of the Sisters to make the villa a “holy Villa”.
10th January – Mother Giuseppina Dones gives up the habit of the Sisters of Reparation and becomes officially the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate;
30th August – The first departure of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate to India, to the diocese of Bezwada, Andhra Pradesh.
La nave Assiria e le sei Missionarie dell’Immacolata in partenza per l’India
The death of Fr. Paolo Manna, on 15th September.
First departure to East Pakistan, present-day Bangladesh, on 30th October.
First departure to Brazil, on 27th June.
The institute grows and reorganizes its structure with the erection of the Delegation of India. It begins to accept local vocations and becomes international. (Opening of the novitiate at Bhimavaram on 8th December).
First departure to the United States, on 13th January.
The congregation is approved as of Pontifical Right, on 2nd April.
Erection of the Delegation of East Pakistan, on 8th December.
The death of Mother Dones, on 8th May.
First departure to Hong Kong, on 11th September.
The death of Mgr. Lorenzo Maria Balconi, on 10th April.
First departure to Cameroon in Africa, on 29th October.
First departure to Guinea Bissau, on 11th June.
First departure to Papua New Guinea in Oceania, on 8th December.
The death of Sr. Igilda Rodolfi on 21st September.
Constitution of the Association of “Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate”, to sustain the works of the Congregation.
Beginning of the Lay Participation in Our Charism, at Monza and Pozzuoli, on 28th February.
Beatification of Fr. Paolo Manna, on 4th November.
Donation of the house at JONDINI on 28th May.
First departure to Algeria, on 24th September.