Our Activities
Our work and gift is to place ourselves in the service of the growth of Kingdom of Love, Peace, and Justice inaugurated by the Lord Jesus for all humanity, giving priority to those people and contexts where the first proclamation of the Gospel is most needed.
How do we do it concretely? We try to respond to the needs of life, health, instruction, dignity, meaning of life and of love… which arise in the humanity we encounter.
We dedicate ourselves for the proclamation of the Gospel in cities and villages through pastoral work, catechesis and missionary animation…
We work in dispensaries, leprosy centers, hospitals, schools and boardings for poor students, charitable activities and human development, promotion of women, youth and prison ministry. Along with the Hansen patients we take care of the AIDs patients and their families especially the children who are affected by HIV-positive or who are orphans.
By vocation we are sent among non-Christians. We foster an ecumenical spirit and dialogue with the believers of other religions, with whom we collaborate in social activities against the various forms of poverty and injustice.
Others forms of missionary activities are carried out according to the needs and places. In this way, some of the sisters in Africa and Brazil work in broadcasting Radio programs. While a sister works as a lawyer in one of the centers of India to defend the rights of women another Sister teaches missiology in an university at São Paulo in Brazil while some others teach embroidery to the poor women with a lot of creativity. There are some others who travel on a regular basis from Hong Kong to Mainland China, to teach English and also to assist the handicapped. A sister had been in South Sudan to prepare future nurses and another sister works in Nepal, where she collaborates with the Jesuits to help the immigrant children from Bhutan…
Our Communities
We live in an international community where we differ from each other based on the country, place and apostolic situations: From the small “satellite” communities of two or three sisters to bigger communities of ten sisters, work in the schools, hospitals and social centers and in taking care of the old and sick sisters. But always, all the sisters work for the evangelization through prayer, service, and apostolic activities. Our daily life consists of: personal and common prayer, the community meetings, the apostolate, the work at the service of the Church and for those who most stand in need of, family visits and listening to people. The composition of communities varies by age and origin. The miracle that has to be fulfilled every day is to build together a true fraternity such as: to live the different cultures and customs, to welcome, to understand and to witness together the love of God without limits and conditions.
The heart and the future
There are experienced missionaries, the missionaries of the ‘first hour’. Some of them are still active and render their service while some sisters offer themselves for the mission through their prayers and their sufferings. They are the old Sisters, the fecund rearguard who live in our houses at Monza (Italy), Vegavaram (India) and Bragança Paulista (Brazil).
In the different missions about 20 novices prepare themselves for the missionary consecration and other young women start the journey so that the story of the institute may continue…
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