The logo

The logo represents a boat formed by two intertwined hands. Both hands must propel in the same direction if they want to reach the goal, otherwise the boat will open and sink, with full of water. The two hands are of different colors because each part of the boat has a distinct function. The boat follows the path indicated by Jesus, depicted by the cross, to reach the sun, the Father, and is supported by the gentle waves that represent the Holy Spirit, a guide in the journey. 

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Prega per noi

Pray with us

Lord Jesus, Apostle of the Father,
perfect icon of His will,
we entrust to you the journey of our Institute
towards the XII General Chapter.
May the breath of the Spirit help us
to contemplate your obedience to the Father
even to the cross
to understand how to continue
your mission today.

We are sisters in the apostolic life
guardians of our different sensitivities and cultures:
may the light of the Spirit help us
to know ourselves in truth
and to search together the will of the Father,
with mutual esteem, intelligence, creativity and freedom.

Mary, mother of Jesus, woman of faith,
open to the Spirit
and courageous in fulfilling
the mission of the Father,
in your tenderness direct our journey.

Mother Dones and Mother Igilda pray for us,
because inspired like you
by Father Manna and Msgr. Balconi
we can live in obedience to the Gospel
and in communion with the Church,
in the joy of fraternity
and in the fidelity to our missionary vocation.

(Prayer prepared by the sisters of the community of Tunis)


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