day of prayer for vocations

The 60th World Day of Prayer for Vocations is celebrated on 30 April 2023 with the theme “Vocation: grace and mission”. The initiator of the day was Pope Paul VI in 1964 during the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council who considered it a “providential initiative which aims to help the members of the People of God, personally and in community, to respond to the call and mission that the Lord entrusts to everyone in today’s world, with its wounds and its hopes, its challenges and its achievements”.

With the proposed theme, the Pope considers the celebration of the world day of prayer for vocations this year as a precious occasion to rediscover with amazement that the Lord’s call is grace. It is a free gift, and at the same time, it is a commitment to go out to bring the Gospel. The Pope says, “Animated by the Spirit, Christians let themselves be challenged by the existential peripheries and are sensitive to human dramas, always bearing in mind that the mission is the work of God and is not carried out alone, but in ecclesial communion, together with brothers and sisters, guided by the Shepherds.”

Messagge of the Holy Father


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