The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World will be the theme of the IX World Meeting of Families that will be held in Dublin (Ireland), from 22 to 26 August 2018. Pope Francis will visit the meeting for the final Vigily and Holy Mass. O theme has been chosen personally by the Pope, framed in the context of the Apostolic Exhortation, as he explained in the Letter of the announcement of the meeting:

“Does the Gospel continue to be a joy for the world? And also: does the family continue to be good news for today’s world? I am sure the answer is yes! Only starting from love can the family manifest, spread and regenerate God’s love in the world. Without love, we cannot live as children of God, as couples, parents and brothers”.

Indeed, it was his wish for families to have a way of deepening their reflection and their sharing of the content of the post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “The joy of love” (Amoris Laetitia).

«We want to celebrate the joy of being a family. We want to celebrate the joy of love in the family. We want that, just starting from the family, there may be a new season of growth in the Church», said Cardinal Kevin Farell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, in view of the meeting.

Along the program, the topics will focus every day on key issues related to family drawn from Pope Francis’ teachings in The Joy of Love. In addition to the in-depth interventions, there will be ample space for dialogue between the participants, the exchange of testimonies and the working groups.

Follow the Meeting:

Listen and watch the video of the Official WMOF2018 Hymn

Download the Catechesis & Meeting Preparatory Documents


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