World mission day 2022

«”You shall be my wotnesses” (At 1,8). These words belong to the last conversation of the Risen Jesus with his disciples, before ascending to Heaven», Pope Francis reminds us in the Message for World Mission Day which is celebrated on Sunday 23 October.The disciples are asked, says the Pontiff, to «to live their personal lives in a missionary key: they are sent by Jesus to the world not only to carry out, but also and above all to live the mission entrusted to them; not only to bear witness, but also and above all to be witnesses of Christ». Pope Francis continues in affirming that it is a very high honor to offer Christ: «Missionaries of Christ are not sent to communicate themselves, to exhibit their persuasive qualities and abilities or their managerial skills. Instead, theirs is the supreme honour of presenting Christ in words and deeds, proclaiming to everyone the Good News of his salvation, as the first apostles did, with joy and boldness.».

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