logo General Chapter

From 5 to 29 settember 2018 there will be  the XI General Chapter. The theme is: “Profetical Communities that announce the Gospel in the peripheries of the world.”

Pray for us:

Holy Spirit,
Spirit of the Risen Lord,
You who make of us but one family,
unite our voices to that of Jesus,
raised to the Father as we prepare for the XI General Chapter.
Help us discern the places, situations and persons
to which the Father calls us and sends us,
those peripheries where we can meet Jesus,
whom we want to follow and love, serve and proclaim.

Lord Jesus,
You who identify yourself with the little ones,
the needy, the last, the discarded, and go to meet everyone
proclaiming the Kingdom,
renew in us the enthusiasm of the first call,
that has united us together around You
to build together prophetic communities,
that bring everywhere the light of your presence and of your Word,
welcomed and lived in the common missionary passion
and in the desire for holiness.

Loving Father,
Whose face is reflected in that of Jesus,
draw us to You, our life and common goal,
all of us and each person whom you entrust to us in time.

Mary Immaculate, Queen of the Apostles,
sustain our steps in following
and proclaiming Jesus,
your son and our Master and Lord. Amen.


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