Prevention and fight against violence


Currently in Parintins, there is an increase in circumstances of vulnerability and social risk in families, where children and adolescents are exposed to different forms of violence: from food shortage to physical violence, from chemical dependency to emotional violence. We see every day the serious consequences of the Covid pandemic, which has greatly damaged our region: increased poverty, food shortage, social isolation. Drugs and alcoholism have also spread among the youngest and most vulnerable, children and adolescents have experienced many forms of domestic violence and manifest psychological consequences of anxiety, depression, with reactions of self-mutilation, social isolation or acting out. Parintins is a tourist town with high rates of violence. It is necessary to work to raise the flag of fight and prevention. All forms of violence experienced by girls and boys, regardless of the nature or severity of the act, are harmful.


The project is a proposal for intervention with the aim of developing actions to combat and prevent various forms of violence against children and adolescents in the Association’s Social Centers in Parintins/AM: Centro Nossa Senhora das Graças and Casa de Acolhida Santa Rita.

The project aims to combat the problem of violence through professional consultancy from psychologists and social workers in groups and on a personal level. It address the issue of various forms of violence with children, adolescents and their families (in the family, in the society, at school and in friendship groups, on social networks, in the various forms of self-punishment, mutilation and chemical dependency). It encourages the participants to develop protagonism, guarantee rights and exercise citizenship, trying to break the cycle of daily violence that afflicts their families.

Some of the activities carried out in the project:

  1. Raising awareness through talks, conferences, meetings with children, adolescents and their families
  2. Creation of free workshops on painting, music, gymkhanas and parodies, stimulating artistic creativity as a form of prevention and struggle.
  3. Personal professional accompaniment by a psychologist and a social worker for children who need it.
  4. Presentation of the work carried out to the public.

To know better the Association Dom Gino Malvestio:


Description Unit Value (Reais) Total annual value (Reais)
Human Risources
Social worker R$ 80,00 R$ 7.840,00
Psycologist R$ 80,00 R$ 7.840,00
Equipment R$ 3.790,00 R$ 3.790,00
Support material R$ 2.788,9 R$ 5.577,80
Total R$ 25.047,80

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