When the desire to know the Word of God invades the hearts of young people, any place and time are appropriate to devote to it.
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
When the desire to know the Word of God invades the hearts of young people, any place and time are appropriate to devote to it.
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
sr. Ausilia Radaelli
Grazie alla Caritas di Lodi, eccoci in collegamento dal Camerun Sr. Daniela Migotto Missionaria dell’Immacolata, dal Mozambico Elena Gaboardi, Padre Antonio Bonato e Gloria Agazzi, ragazza di Giovani e Missione ora laica fidei donum. Questo sarà il primo di una serie di tre incontri con i missionari lodigiani nel mondo per riflettere su cosa è accaduto nel resto del mondo mentre noi eravam...
October 1971 to March 1972. Mother Igilda Rodolfi is seen escorted by Sr. Rita Maggioni, the then Delegate Superior to India, for a visit at St. Mary’s Leprosy Centre, Bhimavaram. The inmates of the hospital are seen conversing with Mother.
An anti-violence demonstration was organized by all Religious Institutes resident in Bombana, Port Moresby when Fr. Fabian OFM was killed near Xaviers Institute
Sr. Ratnakumari Mallampalli and Sr. Alphonsa Thalari are seen pronouncing their perpetual Vows on 12 June 2022, at Vimala Niketan (Provincial house) Siliguri. The Solemn Eucharistic celebration was led by most Rev. Clement Tirkey, the Bishop of Jalpaiguri Diocese along with seven other priests.
Bhimavaram Hospital (India) 1977 Sr. Alphonsa, Panamkattu, one of the first sister doctor from India, returned to help her people after studying in Padua (Italy), examines a patient ophthalmological visit. Le attività sanitarie dell’ospedale si estendono al circondario: in the picture below, the sisters visit a village nearby for the Leprosy Survey to find out if there are people affected b...
In this photo, we are at Khalisha, who at that time was my community. Sr. Samuela, as our provincial superior at that time, was visiting our activities.
Sr. Paula Kumagai in the refectory of the nursing home Fr. Giorgio Frizzini with the tuberculosis patients she was assisting. It was 1999.
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