On 28 October 2021, in the presence of the Province Leaders of the four Indian Organisms and Sr. Rekha Garwal, a missionary from Tunisia, the five postulants:

  1. Sophia Yanao Shimra
  2. Veronica Katara
  3. Chinnari Deepika Karumanchi
  4. Celcy Rose Johnson and
  5. Katta Prasanna

were initiated to novitiate, in the common Novitiate house of the Indian Organisms at Siliguri. At the very outset, Sr. Jacintha Xavier, the Novice mistress, lighted the candle in the hands of the would be novices, symbolically to represent lighting a spark in them of true discernment and love for our exclusively religious missionary Institute. In a prayerful ambient, the Constitutions and the General Directory were handed over to the novices by the respective leader of the organism. Sr.  Thres Malar, the Province leader of Siliguri, explained about the importance of  rule of life giving emphasis on interior and exterior silence, which can facilitate to  permeate  the essence of missionary call and its response.



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