On 15 August 2020 in the Provincial House of Dhaka – Mirpur, in the presence of Bishop Emeritus mons. Theotonius Gomes, the novice Provati Mardi made her First Profession, thus beginning her journey as Missionary Sister of the Immaculate.
It was December 1971 in Vinukonda, in the Guntur district of the state of Andra Pradesh. Sr. Emma gave cutting and sewing lessons to young women.
Sr. Paola Vizzotto with the first group of girls admitted to play in the band of the College Charles Louanga of Ambam.
On the 15th of August 2018 Sr. Cicilia, sr. Happy and sr. Merina made their first profession of vows in Mirpur Parish, Dhaka. Mons. Shorot Francis Gomes, auxiliary Bishop in Dhaka, presided over the celebration.
Gudivada School (India) 1968 R.C.M. School Gudivada (Roman Catholic Mission School, can be read on the board). The school of reeds and straw is very dark. So, sr. Serena takes class in the courtyard under the neem tree. We can see the presence of small girls (and not only boys!) in between the school benches.
On the night of October 28 in Gudivada, India, a strong cyclone broke out... Our sisters, who have recently arrived in India, find themselves living the emergency together with their people.
We are in Gudivada, the first community of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate opened in India in 1948, which over the years has grown in number of sisters, nationality (in 1954 it accepts the first vocations from India) and of activities: such as a clinic, an equipped hospital and a school that serve the whole surrounding area. So, in 1967, sr. Edvige Zanfrini – above – while visits a pa...
In this photo, we are at Khalisha, who at that time was my community. Sr. Samuela, as our provincial superior at that time, was visiting our activities.
At 7 am on November 15, 1953, the first three missionaries arrived in then Pakistan, now Bangladesh, to open a new missionary presence.
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