On 15 August 2020 in the Provincial House of Dhaka – Mirpur, in the presence of Bishop Emeritus mons. Theotonius Gomes, the novice Provati Mardi made her First Profession, thus beginning her journey as Missionary Sister of the Immaculate.
An anti-violence demonstration was organized by all Religious Institutes resident in Bombana, Port Moresby when Fr. Fabian OFM was killed near Xaviers Institute
Sr. Bertilla Capra, amidst the co-staff in Kitchen at VIMALA MUMBAI. Not only the spiritual food to the soul, but also the physical food to nourish the body of the inmates in Vimala.
Jubilee, a threshold of new era is to remember the Lordâs benevolence, to cherish His faithfulness and to relish His limitless bliss. We, the MSI astounded at the marvelous works of God in the lives of our sisters during the past 60, 50 and 25 years of grace. 46 Jubilarians: 5 diamond, 23 golden and 18 silver came together to celebrate Godâs fidelity through 60, 50, and 25 years of their con...
On 28 October 2021, in the presence of the Province Leaders of the four Indian Organisms and Sr. Rekha Garwal, a missionary from Tunisia, the five postulants: Sophia Yanao Shimra Veronica Katara Chinnari Deepika Karumanchi Celcy Rose Johnson and Katta Prasanna were initiated to novitiate, in the common Novitiate house of the Indian Organisms at Siliguri. At the very outset, Sr. Jacintha Xavier, th...
In the prison of Bragança Paulista, in the state of San Paolo, a group of prisoners prepared for the Sunday liturgy.
On December 1, 1988, sr. Silvana Lobo and sr. Elizabeth Joseph left Bombay to reach the new mission in Papua New Guinea.
As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you. (Jh. 20:21) 29th December 2018, indeed is a memorable day for Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate (Nirmala Sisters), as a momentous event took place in the life of Srs. Natta Jyothi, Antony Mary Jenifer Abraham, Jenita Arockia Mary Innaci, Maria Assuntha Soosai Raj, and Amala Catherine Amal Raj, who said their final yes to the Lord, offering th...
Š2025 Missionarie dell'Immacolata PIME