October 1971 to March 1972
Mother Igilda Rodolfi is seen escorted by Sr. Rita Maggioni, the then Delegate Superior to India, for a visit at St. Mary’s Leprosy Centre, Bhimavaram. The inmates of the hospital are seen conversing with Mother.
October 1971 to March 1972
Mother Igilda Rodolfi is seen escorted by Sr. Rita Maggioni, the then Delegate Superior to India, for a visit at St. Mary’s Leprosy Centre, Bhimavaram. The inmates of the hospital are seen conversing with Mother.
Sr. Ratnakumari Mallampalli and Sr. Alphonsa Thalari are seen pronouncing their perpetual Vows on 12 June 2022, at Vimala Niketan (Provincial house) Siliguri. The Solemn Eucharistic celebration was led by most Rev. Clement Tirkey, the Bishop of Jalpaiguri Diocese along with seven other priests.
In 1968, the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate opened a community in London, where the sisters could prepare themselves for the mission in Asia. Meanwhile, the sisters took care of a small, multi-ethnic kindergarten. They also worked in the Parish and took advantage of opportunities for missionary animation in England.
1947, Milan: sr. Albina, in front, producing cards for the benefactors; the sisters behind are packing the magazines to be dispatched for missionary animation. The parcels of magazines were delivered from PIME house to our community in Via Masaccio: here they were brought up and down the third floor (without a lift at that time!) were the offices were situated (at the first floor Mr. Villa was sti...
At that time there were no ambulances to transport the sick from the villages.
A quadranscentennial anniversary of the beginning of the MSI Lay Associates at Vijayawada was celebrated with all pomp and gaiety on 21 September 2022, at St. Paul’s Cathedral Church, Vijayawada.
Sr. Paola Vizzotto with the first group of girls admitted to play in the band of the College Charles Louanga of Ambam.
The communities of Rome have welcomed the proposal of the General Direction of praying creatively for the forth-coming General Chapter. With this intention a pilgrimage was organized on 27th May Sunday. Following the footsteps of the traditional route of the Roman pilgrims, about 23 km along the “7 Churches” – the Basilicas of the city, we walked, prayed and offered the pilgr...
Grazie alla Caritas di Lodi, eccoci in collegamento dal Camerun Sr. Daniela Migotto Missionaria dell’Immacolata, dal Mozambico Elena Gaboardi, Padre Antonio Bonato e Gloria Agazzi, ragazza di Giovani e Missione ora laica fidei donum. Questo sarà il primo di una serie di tre incontri con i missionari lodigiani nel mondo per riflettere su cosa è accaduto nel resto del mondo mentre noi eravam...
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