“One can not do everything well, if one is not nourished well…”
Sr. Bertilla Capra, amidst the co-staff in Kitchen at VIMALA MUMBAI. Not only the spiritual food to the soul, but also the physical food to nourish the body of the inmates in Vimala.
“One can not do everything well, if one is not nourished well…”
Sr. Bertilla Capra, amidst the co-staff in Kitchen at VIMALA MUMBAI. Not only the spiritual food to the soul, but also the physical food to nourish the body of the inmates in Vimala.
Sr. Leah, a Papuan Missionary Sister of the Immaculate, destined to Guinea Bissau, pronounces her definitive yes during the Eucharistic celebration celebrated in Papua New Guinea.
“Figlia” del Movimento Giovanile Missionario, come ama definirsi, Francesca Centorame, di Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE) oggi, suor Francesca, ha fatto la sua prima professione tra le Missionarie dell’Immacolata, lo scorso ottobre 2018. Quasi 10 anni fa era partita per poche settimane alla volta del Brasile, della bellissima Amazzonia. A spingerla il sogno che portava in cuore fin dai primi momen...
Bruno Guizzi incontra a Muladuli (Bangladesh) Sr. Filomena D'Alicandro (in Bangladesh dal 1979) e Sr. Annamaria Panza incaricata della pastorale in parrocchia.
On 15 August 2020 in the Provincial House of Dhaka – Mirpur, in the presence of Bishop Emeritus mons. Theotonius Gomes, the novice Provati Mardi made her First Profession, thus beginning her journey as Missionary Sister of the Immaculate.
The Pre novitiate community: Nirmala Jyothi Niwas, Siliguri share with us the journey of the 30 members which begun as INFANT MISSIONARIES and today is called YOUNG MISSIONARIES.
Sr. Bertilla about this photo: "The joy of being with the children - who are fragile, innocent, peace loving and peace makers. As a young missionary, amidst the children, in VIMALA MUMBAI, I began to soar high in the sky, for my enthusiasm and love for mission in INDIA had no bounds. Amidst them I learnt to be happy always and to spread smile".
From day one of my destination to Papua New Guinea until I arrive there I would keep repeating to myself, “Get ready to be born again, because a missionary, irrespective of the place she goes, can produce hundred fold only if she knows to die to self.” My mission preparations had been a long journey. Being in Italy as a student cum member of the International and Inter cultural communities I c...
Bhimavaram Hospital (India) 1977 Sr. Alphonsa, Panamkattu, one of the first sister doctor from India, returned to help her people after studying in Padua (Italy), examines a patient ophthalmological visit. Le attività sanitarie dell’ospedale si estendono al circondario: in the picture below, the sisters visit a village nearby for the Leprosy Survey to find out if there are people affected b...
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