“One can not do everything well, if one is not nourished well…”
Sr. Bertilla Capra, amidst the co-staff in Kitchen at VIMALA MUMBAI. Not only the spiritual food to the soul, but also the physical food to nourish the body of the inmates in Vimala.
“One can not do everything well, if one is not nourished well…”
Sr. Bertilla Capra, amidst the co-staff in Kitchen at VIMALA MUMBAI. Not only the spiritual food to the soul, but also the physical food to nourish the body of the inmates in Vimala.
Sr. Colomba Caccia feeds a child in the Sant. Joseph of Danjuri and speaks of the curtain (porda) which separates men from women.
It was December 1971 in Vinukonda, in the Guntur district of the state of Andra Pradesh. Sr. Emma gave cutting and sewing lessons to young women.
In the prison of Bragança Paulista, in the state of San Paolo, a group of prisoners prepared for the Sunday liturgy.
On 15 August 2020 in the Provincial House of Dhaka – Mirpur, in the presence of Bishop Emeritus mons. Theotonius Gomes, the novice Provati Mardi made her First Profession, thus beginning her journey as Missionary Sister of the Immaculate.
The beginning of 2020 marked the formation of the new provincial councils for the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate all over the world .
Gudivada School (India) 1968 R.C.M. School Gudivada (Roman Catholic Mission School, can be read on the board). The school of reeds and straw is very dark. So, sr. Serena takes class in the courtyard under the neem tree. We can see the presence of small girls (and not only boys!) in between the school benches.
On the 12th SEPTEMBER 2020, in Monza, Villa Boschetto, took place the celebration of the DIAMOND and GOLDEN JUBILEE of CONSECRATION. We thank the Lord for the gift of the faithfulness of these sisters and pray for all of them, so that they may continue in joy to serve Jesus sower and seed for the growth of the Kingdom of God. DIAMOND JUBILEE – 60 YEARS Sr Luciana Senes, sr Ignazia Tentori...
1947, Milan: sr. Albina, in front, producing cards for the benefactors; the sisters behind are packing the magazines to be dispatched for missionary animation. The parcels of magazines were delivered from PIME house to our community in Via Masaccio: here they were brought up and down the third floor (without a lift at that time!) were the offices were situated (at the first floor Mr. Villa was sti...
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