“One can not do everything well, if one is not nourished well…”
Sr. Bertilla Capra, amidst the co-staff in Kitchen at VIMALA MUMBAI. Not only the spiritual food to the soul, but also the physical food to nourish the body of the inmates in Vimala.
“One can not do everything well, if one is not nourished well…”
Sr. Bertilla Capra, amidst the co-staff in Kitchen at VIMALA MUMBAI. Not only the spiritual food to the soul, but also the physical food to nourish the body of the inmates in Vimala.
On 1 October 2020, in the provincial house of Dhaka – Mirpur, Bangladesh, with the presence of Bishop Emeritus Mons. Theotonius Gomes, Sr. Christina Lakra celebrated 50 years of religious and missionary consecration in the Missionaries of the Immaculate. We join her in thanking God for the gift of her life and vocation!
It was December 1971 in Vinukonda, in the Guntur district of the state of Andra Pradesh. Sr. Emma gave cutting and sewing lessons to young women.
“Figlia” del Movimento Giovanile Missionario, come ama definirsi, Francesca Centorame, di Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE) oggi, suor Francesca, ha fatto la sua prima professione tra le Missionarie dell’Immacolata, lo scorso ottobre 2018. Quasi 10 anni fa era partita per poche settimane alla volta del Brasile, della bellissima Amazzonia. A spingerla il sogno che portava in cuore fin dai primi momen...
Sr. Angela Casati went to the villages of Guinea Bissau in 2010 for adult literacy and evangelisation.
At 7 am on November 15, 1953, the first three missionaries arrived in then Pakistan, now Bangladesh, to open a new missionary presence.
At that time there were no ambulances to transport the sick from the villages.
A young Sister, Sr. Giuseppina Ciserani, on her way to Hong Kong, passes through India in 1969.
Sr. Leah, a Papuan Missionary Sister of the Immaculate, destined to Guinea Bissau, pronounces her definitive yes during the Eucharistic celebration celebrated in Papua New Guinea.
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