The emotions and the sentiments of the brides of Jesus Christ, started pouring into our hearts, at dawn, with the prayer service that our juniors conducted on the theme “YOU ARE INVITED TO THE WEDDING BANQUET.” It was a shimmering moment, that brought alive divine serenity in our lives. Truly! The compassion and the mercy of Jesus who called us, loved us, chosen us and vowed us to Himself, moved us to gratitude and thankfulness.

Years back we looked for this day (16, July 2021), for destined hour of the day (10.30 am IST),  we prepared ourselves, waited with lamps burning, to enter into that divine spousal relationship with Jesus. Our formative journey prepared us to embrace this day with hearts full of joy and happiness. It’s a unique moment of Pandemic crisis that the world, the Church, our communities and the families across the globe are facing. Challenges all around, challenges everywhere, yet it did not diminish the spirit of neither our enthusiasm nor our celebration.

It is a different emotion all together to belong to Jesus, to consecrate one’s life for His service and to proclaim His Kingdom to people far and near. Seven of us together, had no bounds to our joy and gladness. We are convinced that, the life ahead is a tedious journey, anchoring ourselves in the FIRST and the ONLY LOVE-JESUS, the boat of our lives would cradle safely, despite viscous storms of life.

To you our friends, family and well-wishers, we extend our gratitude, for supporting us through your prayers and sacrifices. The credit goes to you too, for sustaining us in different ways on our path of consecration. We promise our prayers to you and beseech you to continue to pray for us, that weak and fragile instruments as we are, we may remain faithful to our consecration and be fruitful in our service until the end of our lives.

Here we are ! called and consecrated to serve!

May Mary our patroness, guide us and lead us to the world unknown in Jesus name.

Seven newly professed sisters, India


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