Pope Francis in United Arab Emirates
This morning in the newspaper El Watan, an Algerian newspaper, the news of the Pope in the United Arab Emirates. It is something out of the ordinary! I do not know how many here in Algeria will read the long document signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam de Al-Azhar, but more than words it is the fact that he touched. Together they
signed a document entitled to human fraternity.
This is what our bishop told us:
Dear brothers and sisters, I believe that the Holy Father's journey to the United Arab Emirates is an important event for peace and an important circumstance for relations between Christians and Muslims. This is why I think you will be glad to have immediately available this text on human fraternity, signed by the Pope and by Cheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar. Have a good reading!
Yes, we are happy. In some way it is part of our journey, of our mission. A kind of authoritative support for the little things we do every day with the people here. As if every day we also signed something similar.
We invite all of you to read this text:
PDF Document Vatican site