The very opening sentence in Redemptoris Missio says, âThe mission of Christ the Redeemer, which is entrusted to the Church, is still very far from its completion.â This becomes the burning flame, in every ardent missionary, to reach out to the Church in need and to carry Her activities. Here the words of St. Paul, become active and alive to a missionary, âWoe to me, if I do not preach the Gospel.â (1 Cor. 9:16). True in deed, it is the work of the Spirit of God, that impels a missionary to proclaim the works of God. She fears not the crisis of the world around, but works amidst those crises, to animate the Church.
After the 3 wave of pandemic in Hongkong we got 30 days Covid free. The schools, churches and all other public institutions were opened. Life was almost switching on to its normalcy. With lots of enthusiasm we continued our Sunday school and youth activities. Just like the past years, we planned to have the missionary animation for the youth  in our St. Benedict parish, Shatin.
Unfortunately, there was a sudden outbreak of 4 wave of Covid 19. âMan proposes and God disposes,â seemed apt for us at this moment. Meanwhile, Sr. Vivian Bok, was in Hong Kong in preparation to pronounce her definitive Yes (Perpetual Profession) to the Lord. Not wanting to lose the God given opportunity, but at the same time, trusting in God completely, we organized for the youth the Missionary animation. Youth from Tin Shui Wai, also came forward to participate in it.
The youth were given the possibility to interview both sr. Vivian- from Hong Kong- a missionary in Brazil and sr. Clara Pires-from Brazil- a missionary in Hong Kong. It was a lively interactive session between missionaries and the parish communities. The two Missionaries also invited the younger generation, to respond to Godâs call. It was also a moment for us to create an awareness of the missionary needs of the Church.
The words from our Constitutions became reality of the day:
âEverywhere we dedicate ourselves to MISSIONARY ANIMATION, so that every ecclesial community becomes a promoter of evangelizing activity, within and outside its own territory.â (18)
 We are indebted to God, for his protection and graciousness and for all that we could accomplish in His name, namely: âInforming and forming the people of God to share in the Churchâs universal mission, promoting vocations, ad gentes and encouraging co-operation in the work of evangelization.â (RM83)
Sr. Sophia Rani & Sr. Anitha Eddula,
Hong Kong