When the desire is pure, God takes it and makes it possible.
I do not know in what plans it was written, I do not dare to ask anymore because long since I have given up on understanding them. However, though incomprehensible, they always have a wonderful outcome compared to our expectations. Here is the wonder that inhabits my heart this morning, as I cross the threshold of the N’Panquinha classroom intended for inclusive school: Dasesia, N’Hala, William and Maia are there, fascinated by the material placed on the table by their support teacher, Daniel.
The project “Inclusive School /WITHOUT ME WHAT SCHOOL IS IT?” was conceived by PIME for the self-managed schools coordinated by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate in Guinea Bissau, in the villages of Bissorã and Mansoa. The project aims to ensure the inclusion of students with various disabilities, whether physical or psychological, in the school.
Guinea Bissau is a country with a low level of education and insufficient facilities, for the number of students present, and is still one of the countries with the most serious problems in the field of education. In this country, traditions and cultural beliefs are still very much alive and strong, especially with regard to illness or disability. The prejudice and belief that they are signs of “sin” committed by the family, by the mother or even a punishment inflicted by an evil spirit, for which that person is forced to return to such spirit. This sum of beliefs forces the person himself to a prejudiced social life: access to school or to starting work, in fact, are unthinkable goals for the majority of those who were born “labeled” by diversity.
In this Ocean of prejudices and beliefs, let us try to take some steps in favor of the scholastic integration of children or teenagers who have been denied school for too long, because of their difference from the masses.
Starting from 2021, we have focused on this priority issue, committing ourselves to raising awareness and integrating the first students with disabilities, thanks to the initial awareness on the topic by our teachers. This has allowed us to take some steps that could help give a new look at the world of disability.
The project, little by little, has become a reality, has increased the number of participants and has raised the sensitivity of the entire group of teachers and classmates who, like all children in class know how to go beyond diversity and welcome the uniqueness of each person. The project has made progress also thanks to the commitment of five teachers who, since July 2024, have been following training courses and pedagogical sessions to become support teachers.
Currently, in our 5 self-managed schools in Bissora, there are 20 students with disabilities enrolled in the regular classes.
I is about 20 different faces and stories, to whom the families have decided to give a chance, through the invitation of teachers or word of mouth that has spread over time, telling of a school that could welcome their children free, thanks to the Inclusive School project – WITHOUT ME WHAT SCHOOL IS IT?
This year, in which we are called to be sowers of hope, let us continue to offer hope to those who, without our help, would lose it!
Sr. Anna Marini, Guinea Bissau