Mission Sunday Celebration

“With youth, we proclaim the Gospel to all.”

Every year in the month of October, Catholics around the world join with the Pope in celebrating World Mission Sunday. On this day the Faithful throughout the world are called to pray for mission and missionaries, to remind us of the truth that she is essentially missionary, but the mission of Christ entrusted to us take place 24 hours every day. It is an all time responsibility and this year Pope Francis invited everyone to remember and realize that we join the youth in proclaiming the Gospel to all. The youth are a bundle of energy, enthusiasm and bubbling spirit.  They have tremendous capacity and eagerness to learn and to deliver.

We had an opportunity in our parish (Our Lady of Annunciation Cathedral, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur) to animate Mission Sunday along with the youth of our parish on 28th of October 2018.

Before the Eucharistic celebration, we had Missionary Rosary, in an introduction we explained to the assembly the importance of Mission Rosary. That the Mission Rosary enables our prayer to reach beyond the boundaries of our local concerns and to be united with the entire Church. During each decade of the rosary, we offered a lighted candle and prayed for each continent of the world. When the Rosary was completed, we had embraced all continents, all people in prayer.

The  Holy Eucharistic celebration began with a procession ,  Along with our youth who are invited by Pope Francis to proclaim the Gospel to all, carrying the cross which represents Jesus whom we need to proclaim, with five colors which symbolizes the five continents  which  symbolizes our presence in this five continents of the world and the mission of the church that is to make known Christ all throughout the world, along with the main celebrant of the mass was Rev. Fr. John Berchman, PIME and concelebrant Fr.Siby and Fr. Edward we enter the house of the Lord. During the homily Fr. John Berchman shared his ten years of mission experience in PNG and through power point presentation he depicted the mission of PNG to the assembly. All the parishioners were so inspired and were reminded of their responsibility towards the mission. We also had the prayer of the faithful with biblical symbols such as Missionary cross, Missionary bag, sandal, staff, Bible etc.

Jaipur – Delhi Delegation


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