Who we are

A missionary congregation in the widest and most sublime sense of the word

To follow the Lord Jesus in his untiring preaching of God’s Kingdom is the desire which the Holy Spirit arouse in us by making us missionaries of ad gentes, ad extra and ad vitam until the ends of the earth.

Send to ad gentes, our prime duty is to proclaim the Gospel to all peoples and human groups who do not know Jesus Christ.

Send to ad extra, we leave our country as a sign of the universality of God’s love and prophecy of communion among peoples.

Send to ad vitam, we place our whole life in the service of God and His mission.

Our founders


8 December




n. 15

Cesare Melloni st.


Two women, sr. Giuseppina Dones and the Young Giuseppina Rodolfi, before the picture of the Immaculate Virgin Mary gave rise to a new religious Missionary family in the Church drawing from the same charismatic inspiration of the PIME.

History of Foundation


The grace that gave rise to our Congregation in the Church is the living passion to proclaim the Kingdom of God to all the peoples. We believe that we have received from God the task and the gift to place ourselves totally at the service of the mission bringing the Good News of the Lord Jesus to all. This we do through our words and deeds, especially, to those who do not know it yet and who are mostly in need that someone may “become neighbor” to them because God is the Father of us all.We belong to a family, which has understood itself always as a missionary congregation in the widest and most sublime sense of the word. This is what our foundresses wanted, allowing themselves to be touched by the inspired words of Fr. Paolo Manna.

Our evangelical icon is Jesus the one who is sent, the Missionary, the Apostle of the Father. He presents himself to us like a good Sower and asks us like the Seed that allows itself to be buried in the earth.

What we do

Our work and gift is to place ourselves in the service of the growth of Kingdom of Love, Peace, and Justice inaugurated by the Lord Jesus for all humanity, giving priority to those people and contexts where the first proclamation of the Gospel is most needed.

How do we do it concretely? We try to respond to the needs of life, health, instruction, dignity, meaning of life and of love which arise in the humanity we encounter.

We dedicate ourselves for the proclamation of the Gospel in cities and villages through pastoral work, catechesis and missionary animation…

Š2025 Missionarie dell'Immacolata PIME

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