“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you and before you were born, I consecrated you” (Jer1. 5)

I felt the call of God during my very young age. I recall a hospital near my house where The Reverent Sisters who lived and worked there knew our family very well because of my daddy’s acute respiratory syndrome. Being the last born of the family, during my dad’s crisis my mum couldn’t leave me at home so I always went along to the hospital with them. I admired how the Reverent Sisters cared for the sick and suffering. And the smiles and comforting hands they laid on the sick and suffering showed me the witness of the life of their consecration. My admiration turned into my desire to become like them to serve the needy.

At that time I couldn’t comprehend nor differentiate between the Sisters Religious Vocation and the Nurses. Initially, when I told my mom that I wanted to become like them my mother tried to discourage me by saying, I will be persecuted, kept in a dark room and will have to eat bad food. She said all that to dissuade me from my intentions and she didn’t want me to be far away from her and my family. My mother is a very prayerful person who never allowed her children to bed without praying the Holy Rosary as a family and reading a passage from the Bible. She instilled in us the value of prayer and faith.

I remembered fondly at 11th standard Sr. Jeya Soosai came to our school and spoke to all the girls. She shared her experiences as a  Missionary with us which was very inspiring us the young girls. The seed that was planted at the hospital aroused into strongest desire ever. My Aunt advised me to pray to the Holy Spirit that “if God wants it, no one can stop you” my Mum was still unhappy for me to leave home to be religious.

After surviving two accidents one with water and the other with electricity my Mum took my survival as a sign from God and gave her consent for me to enter in the Covent. My prayers were answered and I felt at peace. My entire family has supported me with prayers especially my aunty. I know my mum prayed a lot in the midst of her struggles to decide to let me go. In 1999 I initiated my formation and in 2003, I made my first vows and in 2011 my final profession (after seven months of preparation in Italy-International Juniorate). I thank God for his blessings and guidance throughout these years. The Lord has walked with me. He has been at my side. I remember each person who helped me to walk through my formative journey until date with love and gratitude. The Lord Who knows how to make use of His servants fulfilled my desire which I had in my innocent age by allowing becoming a Nurse.

I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve as a  nurse for our elderly missionary sisters in Italy for eight years. I’m now blessed to go to the mission of Tunisia. To continue my missionary journey and I rest assured and comforted by this bible verse:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13


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