In the year 2013, in the church Our Lady Cause of our Joy, in the outskirts of Rome, fr. Alberto Papotti, the parish priest, invited us who were helping in the pastoral activities of the parish, to form a missionary group.
We gathered as a group but not all of us were aware of this choice, some were pushed by curiosity, others instead felt this opportunity as a call. Sr. Rosanna Marchetti was giving us some formation and, after a meeting with the Lay MsI group in Pozzuoli, the permanent deacon Ciro Nastro continued to follow us in our missionary formation.
Slowly we became more aware of the meaning of mission, in the light of the experience of the MsI foundresses: Mother Ridolfi and Mother Dones; their endurance, their perseverance, their patience, their determination and their trust in God through prayer were inspiring us.
Every reality where we are called to serve and announce the Kingdom of God is the place where to bring the flame which characterises the missionary spirit. Each one of us in a different way: teaching catechesis to the children of first Communion or indirectly to their parents, helping in the Caritas centre where we establish a direct contact with our neighbour in need, serving as Eucharistic ministers, or simply giving a prayerful support.
The spirit which pushed us to put into practice our missionary desire was the proposal of arranging the selling of products and handicrafts coming from different missions and organizing meals in order to collect funds for sustaining the structure of Ponta Grossa, in Brazil: a shelter for minor run by the sisters Daughters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who are living in Parva Domus Mariae, here in our parish. With the offerings collected we bought some machines for their sewing center,

The first promise of MsI Lay of Rome
After having considered the possibility of becoming MsI Lay Associated on Decembre 8, 2021, in the chapel of the MsI General House in Torre Gaia we expressed our promises and we officially gave birth to the group of Lay in Rome.
Like Mary we are ready to get up and walk, to go towards the people we encounter every day on the roads of life.
“Mary set out and went as quickly as she could into the hill country to a town in Judah” (Lk 1: 39).
MsI Lay, Rome community