Grateful to God for this opportunity, here is a short video to show our meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis for the General Audience!
26 september 2018
When we will start the chapter diary
, Chapter diary
The beginning of the Chapter Diary is scheduled for September, the month in which we will open the chapter’s works. In the meantime, news and initiatives for the preparation for the XI General Chapter will be published in this section.
Arrived in Nemi, first days together…
, Chapter diary
The MsI delegates arrived in Nemi (Rome) in the afternoon of the 4th of September 2018. In these days they’re knowing more each other and preparing the beginning of the XI General Chapter.
Ending Celebration XI General Chapter
, Chapter diary, Chapter Photos
The XI General Chapter has been concluded on 29 afternoon at 16.30 with the thanksgiving eucharistic celebration presided over by Card. Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization of People.
13-15 september 2018
, Chapter diary
During these days we continued our work on the revised text of our constitutions and it has been concluded on the 15 afternoon. Thursday 13 september after the supper the members of General Direction PIME shared with us the journey they made in the formation and in re-dimensioning, along with that some challenges of the future on which whole institute is reflecting which will be discussed during t...
Sr. Antonella Tovaglieri, New General Superior
, Chapter diary
With immense gratitude to the Lord today we have concluded the election of the General Superior and we are happy to communicate that the name is: SR. ANTONELLA TOVAGLIERI former General Vicar and missionary in Papua New Guinea Let us entrust to the maternal care of Mary Immaculate, so that she may be her model and inspiration in her commitment. We entrust to your prayers the continuation of the...
23 e 24 september 2018
, Chapter diary
After having concluded the elective session and having spent the Sunday leisurely, Monday 24 we took up the study of the work document in view of preparing the Acts of the Chapter.
Pilgrimage for the Chapter
, Chapter diary, Media, Photos, General Direction
The communities of Rome have welcomed the proposal of the General Direction of praying creatively for the forth-coming General Chapter. With this intention a pilgrimage was organized on 27th May Sunday. Following the footsteps of the traditional route of the Roman pilgrims, about 23 km along the “7 Churches” – the Basilicas of the city, we walked, prayed and offered the pilgr...
8 september 2018
, Chapter diary
Yesterday, on the feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we had the official beginning of our XI General Chapter with the solemn Eucharistic celebration at 8.30 am. Some of our sisters from the community of Torre Gaia and Via Salvini, other than that many others followed us through youtube. Fr. Ferruccio Brambillasca, Superior General of PIME, presided over the Eucharistic celebration...
Missionary Life
How to help us
If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.