The XI General Chapter has been concluded on 29 afternoon at 16.30 with the thanksgiving eucharistic celebration presided over by Card. Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization of People.
The XI General Chapter has been concluded on 29 afternoon at 16.30 with the thanksgiving eucharistic celebration presided over by Card. Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization of People.
Sunday 9 September in the morning we reflected and shared in the groups our impressions on the report presented by general direction. A complete and courageous report presented the journey made and the challenges that we have to face in the future six years. At 11 am Sr. Rosanna Marchetti, the general administrator presented the financial report of the institute and in the afternoon we continued o...
We are almost concluding the study of work document during these last days and now we are about to prepare the Acts of the Chapter which will guide us in our missionary life for the coming six years. With immense joy and profound gratitude for the journey made together during this XI General Chapter, we conclude with the thanksgiving eucharistic celebration on Saturday 29 at 16.30 hours.. Cardinal...
The Work Document and the preliminary phase for election On the 19 september we concluded the first part of the reflection and the study on the Work Document. On 20 we initiated the preliminary phase of elective session, we will have time to pray, reflect and discuss to identify the challenges we have to face and the necessary qualities of the new General Direction. We count on your prayers during...
Yesterday, on the feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we had the official beginning of our XI General Chapter with the solemn Eucharistic celebration at 8.30 am. Some of our sisters from the community of Torre Gaia and Via Salvini, other than that many others followed us through youtube. Fr. Ferruccio Brambillasca, Superior General of PIME, presided over the Eucharistic celebration...
Sunday 16 September we had a day off together in Tuscania, a little town in province of Viterbo. On monday 17 September we started the study session about Instrumetum laboris, that will guide decisions for the next six years.
Tomorrow, the 8th of September 2018, Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary h. 8.30 (italian time), you may watch also from here the Opening Mass of the XI General Chapter officiated by fr. Ferruccio Brambillasca, PIME.
On Saturday 22 September 2018 the Chapter members concluded the elective session, voting the new General Direction, composed of:
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