le capitolari

The first three days in Rocca di Papa: reflection, prayer and sharing on the theme of obedience. The presentation of the book on the first 10 years of the Institute’s history.

The day of 6 September opened with a reflection by Fr. Amedeo Cencini, a Canossian priest and lecturer at the Salesian Pontifical University, on the theme of obedience and fraternity, showing a way to live obedience in a deeper and more responsible way, starting from an attentive listening to others and the reality in which we live.

Rita Manzoni from Algeria, Sr. Veronica Ulchak and Sr. Geeta Manuel from North Brazil, Fr. Raffaele Manenti General Councillor of PIME, Fr. Franco Cagnasso missionary in Bagladesh and Fr. Rupak Lockhande, missionary in Cameroon shared their experience on apostolic obedience in an online meeting.

After dinner, Giorgio Bernardelli presented the magazine Mondo e Missione to all the Chapter members.

Today, 7 September, we had a day of prayer led by Sr. Simona Brambilla, missionary of the Consolata and current Secretary of the Dicastery for Consecrated Life and Institutes of Apostolic Life. Sr. Simona helped us to meditate on the theme of being one apostolic body and discernment.

The day ended with the presentation of the new book on the first ten years of the history of our congregation, presented by Sr. Angela Corno and Sr. Silvia Serra, in charge of the historical office and archives.

The meeting with Father Amedeo Cencini:

The round table:

The retreat with Sr. Simona Brambilla and the presentation of the book on the first ten years of our institute’s history:

Some photos of the introductory evening on 5 September:

1 Comment
  1. Mdipime 6 months ago

    Greetings from sisters of Shanti Nilayam convent, Srungavruksham
    Happy feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Prayerful wishes to you as you begin the chapter. May the Lord grant you all His grace to seek his plan for His mission. May mother Mary keep you in good health and accompany you as you participate this chapter.

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