“The General Chapter is the supreme authority of the Congregation and expresses the participation of all members in the life of the Institute.  A sign of unity in charity, it promotes the spiritual and apostolic vitality of the Congregation in fidelity to the charism, and stimulates its renewal and updating” (Cost.165).

We are preparing for this important event in a synodal manner, in each community and body through meetings for reflection and sharing on the important topics that will be dealt with during the Chapter, ensuring the participation and contribution of all the sisters, in an atmosphere of prayer. Also united with us in the preparation are our Lay Associates, who in the different missions embody our missionary dream.

A Chapter has an ecclesial dimension: “even if celebrated in a small Institute, it constitutes a moment of special presence of the Lord and outpouring of his Spirit. A Chapter is not the private history of a Congregation, but essentially an ecclesial act” (Pironio E., Appunti per un Capitolo, cit., 2). It therefore concerns the entire community of the Faithful, because each Institute has its own wealth that belongs to the Church, not only in economic terms, but also in spiritual terms. A wealth of which the Institute itself is the custodian and responsible, so that it may bear fruit in the Church and in society.

The Chapter also has a charismatic imprint. “It takes place in a community of disciples, witnesses and prophets who, listening to the Word of God, seek to discover in the signs of the times and places the most urgent, opportune and effective choices to ‘reorient all things in Christ'”. For an Institute, therefore, the Chapter is a fundamental moment of planning and actualisation of the charism, in response to the challenges of today’s world.

Among the main tasks of a general chapter are the proper renewal of the institute, dealing with matters of major importance, issuing norms and safeguarding the institute’s patrimony, as well as electing the new general leadership.

“Let us live the Gospel as an apostolic body, in fraternal and mutual obedience” is the theme that will guide our 12th General Chapter. We thus express our desire to review our concept of obedience in order to make an ever more radical response to our missionary vocation, with our eyes turned to Jesus obedient to the Father for the salvation of the world. We want to consider the value of living apostolic obedience as an apostolic body, through an exercise of fraternal and mutual obedience, sustained by attitudes of listening and dialogue, convinced of the importance of assuming the mission of the Institute together.    

Not all the Missionaries of the Immaculate will be able to participate in the General Chapter, representatives will be chosen for each reality and for each organism. Their task is very important because each one “is responsible and guardian of the charism that constitutes the destiny and mission of our Institute for the coming years; this requires an authentic life, an honest, mature and prophetic participation”. (Sr. Maia Luisi, official of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts).

We continue to prepare ourselves with responsibility, commitment and trepidation in the months leading up to this important moment for our congregation and the Church.

Sr. Biji Philip, General Directorate


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