I trust in you, my God, make my life a small instrument in your hands for the salvation of souls.
M. Igilda
I trust in you, my God, make my life a small instrument in your hands for the salvation of souls.
M. Igilda
Holiness is not a privilege of a few people, but a duty for all men of good will. I have decided to start living. M. Igilda
Father, it is better to suffer like this; it is better to be consumed slowly, insensibly by this great missionary longing rather than enjoy a relative tranquillity, without this fire which never ceases to burn.
Mary will be our sure guide to God, to be able to live our consecration always better for the mission.
The excavations for the foundations of buildings are filled up with building materials; those of the Works of God must be filled with daily sacrifices accepted and accomplished with love.
I tried to sacrifice every desire of mine, any little satisfaction, in order to keep company with the missionaries in the hardships of their apostolic life. To suffer for them, to suffer with them. M. Igilda
We are missionaries and as such must be ready for anything to contribute to the salvation of souls and the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Let us make use of all possible means of prayer and sacrifices to win the divine Mercy and so see our great hopes realised. M. Igilda
Leave with courage, not only with courage, but with intimate joy, joy that must come to you from the consciousness of having chosen the best part, of going in God's name, by God's will, with the authority that comes from God to continue the most divine work among the divine of the salvation of souls.
If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.