World Day of Peace

‘Forgive us our trespasses, grant us your peace’, is the theme of the 58th World Day of Peace to be celebrated on 1 January 2025. Recalling the Jewish tradition that called for a year of clemency and liberation to restore equity in relationships, Pope Francis invites us to reflect deeply on the meaning of the Jubilee of 2025, a Year of Grace dedicated to hope.

He extends a sincere wish for peace to all, especially to those who feel oppressed by their own mistakes or by the judgement of others. The Pope urges us to listen to the ‘desperate cry for help’ that rises from many parts of the world, marked by injustice, exploitation of the earth and oppression of our neighbour. neighbour. The ‘structures of sin’ that perpetuate such injustices, call us call us to a cultural and structural change in our society.

The Pontiff proposes three concrete actions to restore dignity and hope to peoples oppressed by debts: the reduction of international debt, if not the total forgiveness of debt, recognising the responsibility of richer countries and ecological debt; the promotion of a culture of solidarity that promotes the common good and overcomes individualism; and a commitment to social and environmental justice by undertaking actions that address the structural causes of injustice and promote social justice and care for creation.

In this Jubilee Year, the Pope invites us to let our hearts be our hearts by God’s mercy, so that we can become instruments of hope and peace in the world, recognising that we are all forgiven debtors and called to forgive.

To read more see the official presentation of the message:


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