world mission day 2020

“Here am I, send me”
World Mission day 2020

This is how the motto of this year’s world mission day resounds, which takes up the theme of the Extraordinary Missionary Month of 2019 (“Baptized and sent”). This appeal, taken from the book of the prophet Isaiah, concerns us all: “are we prepared to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to listen to the call to mission, whether in our life as married couples or as consecrated persons or those called to the ordained ministry, and in all the everyday events of life?” (Messagge of Holy Father for the world mission day 2020).

The invitation of Jesus Christ this year cannot fail to take into consideration the historical context in which we live that brings with it the fatigue and suffering caused by the covid-19 pandemic, for this reason the accent goes on the rediscovery of fraternity, on committing ourselves to build a welcoming lifestyle and new relationships not only with the people we care about, but with all those we meet on our path.



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