Synod 2021-24

Convened by Pope Francis on 10 October 2021, the synod concluded the first phase, «For a synodal Church: communion, participation, mission». The People of God set out on the basis of the underlying question: «how is that “walking together” which allows the Church to announce the Gospel, in accordance with to the mission entrusted to her; and what steps does the Spirit invite us to take to grow as a synodal Church?”. The fruit of the consultations was collected in the document for the continental stage, returned to the local Churches around the world to discuss again and then meet and dialogue in the seven continental assemblies. In the meantime, a digital Synod was also carried out with the same stages and the same method in which many digital missionaries and Catholic influencers participated. The second phase divided into two sessions of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops now begins, the first begins on 4 October 2023 and the second will be in October 2024. The members of the synod will be 464 including 54 women with the right to vote, two bishops of the Chinese church were also summoned.
The start of the work will be preceded by the ecumenical vigilTogether” on 30 September in St. Peter’s, in which all the members of the synod, the patriarchs, the bishops and the heads of the Churches of other Christian traditions will participate together with young people aged 18 to 35 of all the world.

Other articles about the synodal process can be found in the sinodality tag. Some Missionaries of the Immaculate also participated in the first phase of the synod. Read their articles below:


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