Amazonia: new paths for the church and for an integral ecology
This is the theme of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan Amazonian region that will take place in October 2019 in Rome.
The preparation for this important event started in last January with the first Bishop assembly at Puerto Maldonado, in Peru and continue with the diocesan and parish reunions that are working on the preparatory document and the meetings organized from REPAM (Pan Amazonian Ecclesial Network).
The preparatory document present three steps that are to See, to Judge (Discern) and to Act and come with a survey with questions that help to see the reality and to dialogue.
Sr. Laura Valtorta, MsI in Alto SolimĂ”es, participated in April to the meeting of REPAM with the theme: âPan-Amazonian missionarity in the perspective of integral ecologyâ. The religious congregations working in Amazonia reflected in this meeting about new path and presences in the area. Sr. Rosiene, MsI in Amazonia, participated to the preparatory document presentation for the Monte das Oliveiras missionary Area.
The purpose of the Synod is to listen to the indigenous peoples. This event is important for the entire planet as Amazonian area is one of the biggest biodiversity reserves and fresh water for the whole Earth.