The prayer of the poor rises up to God (cf. Sir 21:5)

“The prayer of the poor rises up to God (cf. Sir 21:5). In this year dedicated to prayer in anticipation of the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, this expression of biblical wisdom is most fitting as we prepare for the Eighth World Day of the Poor, which will be observed on 17 November”.

Thus begins the message of Pope Francis on the occasion of the eighth World Day of the Poor. The prayer that prepares us for the jubilee is a prayer of hope, the one that God tends his ear and listens to us. The poor, those of the first bliss of Jesus, are the experts of this type of invocation: totally confident in God, they abandon themselves to Him as beloved and favourite children. “The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds, and he will not be consoled until it reaches the Lord; he will not desist until the Most High visits him, and does justice for the righteous, and executes judgment. And the Lord will not delay” (Sir 35:17-18).

In this time marked by so many wars and violence, where situations of poverty and misery increase, we all need to learn the prayer of the poor and pray


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