1970 – Two sisters depart by boat for a visit to the communities located in river areas of Maues.

1970 – Two sisters depart by boat for a visit to the communities located in river areas of Maues.
Sr. Silvan Lobo, a pioneer missionary in PNG with Mr. Michael and Mrs. Francil, near Alotau Cathedral. Mrs. Francil was assisting sr. Silvana in the HIV/AIDS Central Programme.
It was December 1971 in Vinukonda, in the Guntur district of the state of Andra Pradesh. Sr. Emma gave cutting and sewing lessons to young women.
Yes indeed, it was a great day of joy and exuberance for the Province of Vijayawada, as four of our Sisters Sr. Lorenza Gudelli, Sr. Ancilla Vencentha Maria Fernandes, Sr. Joshma Medepalli and Sr. Premalatha Penumunuri made their Final commitment to the Lord to be the Heralds of the Gospel. On 3rd July 2021, being the feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle of India who declared Jesus as ‘my Lord and m...
Grazie alla Caritas di Lodi, eccoci in collegamento dal Camerun Sr. Daniela Migotto Missionaria dell’Immacolata, dal Mozambico Elena Gaboardi, Padre Antonio Bonato e Gloria Agazzi, ragazza di Giovani e Missione ora laica fidei donum. Questo sarà il primo di una serie di tre incontri con i missionari lodigiani nel mondo per riflettere su cosa è accaduto nel resto del mondo mentre noi eravam...
Tv2000 dedicates the episode of the Diary of Pope Francis of 21 May 2020 to the Corona Virus Emergency in the Amazon. Present among the guests sr. Laura Valtorta, Missionary of the Immaculate – PIME, who connects directly from Peru, where she is staying for an itinerant evangelization initiative. Speaking with her are: Lucia Capuzzi, Avvenire journalist, father Angelo Plodari, Scalabrinian M...
sr. Bruna De Col in 2007 in Bangladesh in Shoronkola - Bagerhat District, after a severe cyclone the missionaries went to various medical camps to see the situation of the families and give their help.
The first four MSI landed in Brazil on 10 July 1954. Some thoughts taken from the diary tell the moments of departure and arrival.
This picture recalls the beginning of our mission in Papua New Guinea, in 1989.
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