Sr. Silvan Lobo, a pioneer missionary in PNG with Mr. Michael and Mrs. Francil, near Alotau Cathedral. Mrs. Francil was assisting sr. Silvana in the HIV/AIDS Central Programme.

Sr. Silvan Lobo, a pioneer missionary in PNG with Mr. Michael and Mrs. Francil, near Alotau Cathedral. Mrs. Francil was assisting sr. Silvana in the HIV/AIDS Central Programme.
“Figlia” del Movimento Giovanile Missionario, come ama definirsi, Francesca Centorame, di Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE) oggi, suor Francesca, ha fatto la sua prima professione tra le Missionarie dell’Immacolata, lo scorso ottobre 2018. Quasi 10 anni fa era partita per poche settimane alla volta del Brasile, della bellissima Amazzonia. A spingerla il sogno che portava in cuore fin dai primi momen...
In the prison of Bragança Paulista, in the state of San Paolo, a group of prisoners prepared for the Sunday liturgy.
From day one of my destination to Papua New Guinea until I arrive there I would keep repeating to myself, “Get ready to be born again, because a missionary, irrespective of the place she goes, can produce hundred fold only if she knows to die to self.” My mission preparations had been a long journey. Being in Italy as a student cum member of the International and Inter cultural communities I c...
sr. Bruna De Col in 2007 in Bangladesh in Shoronkola - Bagerhat District, after a severe cyclone the missionaries went to various medical camps to see the situation of the families and give their help.
With suitcases as ‘migrants’, on 11.9.1968 sr. Maddalena Pirodda and Sr. Theresa Pathickal (the first Indian MSI destined to the mission outside her country) arrive in Hong Kong. The photo below shows them still in the airport, where the Canossian Sisters would come to pick them up and by whom they would be given hospitality for the first months waiting to start their own communities a...
Sr. Ausilia Radaelli of her missionary experience in Cameroon tells us in this photo the love of young people for the Word of God.
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