Grateful to God for this opportunity, here is a short video to show our meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis for the General Audience!
Grateful to God for this opportunity, here is a short video to show our meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis for the General Audience!
Summary: Two testimonies that Maurizio di Schino collected for the "Missionary October" column in the "Nel cuore dei giorni" space.
Sara, “Giovani e Missione”, made a missionary experience in Sant Paul, Brazil.
The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate arrived in Brazil in 1954 in the city of Pedrinhas Paulista where started the missionary activities in the Italian colony. From there never stopped to announce the Gospel in Brazilian field. This video present the story of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate in Brazil with photos.
Sr Antonella Tovaglieri, of the Missionaries of the Immaculate, recounts her experience in Papua New Guinea.
Several of our sisters take part in the vigil of the opening of the extraordinary missionary month and sr. Lorenza Radini receives the missionary mandate for Bangladesh.
On 27 April 2022, at Nirmala Niketan, Vijayawada 24 sisters from four Indian Organisms celebrated their Golden and Silver Jubilee of the Religious Profession. His Grace Most Rev. Thelagathoti Joseph Raja Rao, SMM, the Bishop of Vijayawada solemnised the Eucharistic Banquet along with seven con-celebrants. At the very outset of homily, he focused everyone’s attention on the virtue of ‘Gra...
Sr. Roberta Pignone, originally from Monza, is a doctor in the hospital in Khulna, Bangladesh, where she cares for people suffering from leprosy and HIV.
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