Grateful to God for this opportunity, here is a short video to show our meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis for the General Audience!
Grateful to God for this opportunity, here is a short video to show our meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis for the General Audience!
December 4, 2021 a red-letter day in my life because moved by the deepest sentiments of my heart to proclaim the Kingdom of God to all peoples, I pronounced my definitive ‘Yes’ to God and made my perpetual profession in my hometown parish ‘Holy Trinity’ Boregaina in the diocese of Port Moresby. The Holy Eucharist commenced with the sweet sound of the singing and spectacular entrance dance ...
Interview of TV Canção Nova to Sr. Marinei and Sr. Rosanna for the conclusion of the Marian year in which Brazil celebrated 300 years of devotion to Our Lady of Aparecida. Sr. Marinei and Sr. Rosanna tells how Marian devotion helped them through the difficulties of the mission.
The XI General Chapter has been concluded on 29 afternoon at 16.30 with the thanksgiving eucharistic celebration presided over by Card. Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization of People.
Sr. Sonia Sala, Missionary of the Immaculate in Brazil, was the last of the links from the Missionary Animation Course organised by SUAM.
8 dicembre 2016 – Oggi la nostra famiglia missionaria celebra 80 anni dalla fondazione. Siamo nate a Milano l’8 dicembre 1936 davanti ad un piccolo altare di una casa presa in affitto, dove le due fondatrici, Madre Giuseppina Dones e Madre Igilda Rodolfi, si sono raccolte in preghiera. Oggi siamo circa 900 e siamo presenti in 10 paesi dei cinque continenti. Celebriamo 80 anni di g...
Rosa Sozzi, Missionaries of the Immaculate for 14 years serving lepers in Bangladesh.
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