Hong Kong

The golden Jubilee celebration of our MSI presence, on 2nd December, in Hong Kong is a special moment. In preparation for our Jubilee and as it is the year of youth we organized a missionary activity for the young people of parishes where we are working. We have chosen ‘Missionary Life’ as the theme for our animation to ignite young people with missionary spirit.

Hong Kong 2First of all we showed a video about our Charism and how the congregation was established and spread to different countries, which is the fulfillment of Mother Igilda’s dream of the Seed and the Sower. When asked a few questions about the video the young people responded enthusiastically that their attention was more on the Seed sown and falling far away and the names of our missions mentioned in the video.

The youth interviewed two of our sisters about our missionary life, its challenges and how they answered to God’s call. Srs. Vivian and Rose, Chinese sisters serving in Brazil and Bangladesh sent videos sharing about their missionary experience, challenges and joy of being missionary. From the sharing the young people were convinced that the most challenging part of a missionary life is to learn the local language and to adapt to the local cultures.

To let them have a taste of being a missionary, each teenager was asked to take a balloon in which they found a name of our mission. The teenagers were invited to go around the room where we had displayed our missionary articles and photos, to know more about the name of the mission they received in the balloons and to pray for that mission.

Hong Kong 1

The most enriching moment was when the teenagers were asked, if they are sent to this mission what would be their feelings? A few of them answered that they are afraid; a few of them said they would learn the culture and lifestyle of the people. One person answered if God calls him, he will go.

Finally we sat together with young people in singing praise and worshiping the Lord through Taize prayer.

Each of our sister’s presence and participation in this activity was a witness to the young teenagers to look at us and be curious to know more about our missionary life.

Sr. Anitha Eddula, Hong Kong – Cina


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