wyd lisbon 2023

Voices and stories from the four corners of the world to know how our communities in mission are preparing to participate in the 37º World Youth Day which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 1 to 6 August 2023.

What unites a young junior missionary from Pioltello who lives in Naples, a Guinean missionary who speaks French and lives in North Africa, a Brazilian missionary who lives in Hong Kong… and a young Bengali from Mymensingh? The answer is one: the WYD 2023, that miracle of union and communion, of knowledge and love in the difference, of joy and sharing which is the real identity card of these international gatherings.

World Youth Day, an event wanted and initiated by St. John Paul II in Rome on Palm Sunday in 1984 and reaching as far as Panama in 2019, this year has the city of Lisbon, in Portugal, as its reference point, with the theme: ‘Mary got up and went with haste’ (Lk 1, 39), inspired by the episode of Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth. The event will take place from 1 to 6 August 2023, with the last appointments featuring the presence of the Holy Father Pope Francis.

Also through these encounters of grace the Church gets to know mutually, converts, strengthens herself… There could be many testimonies of young people who on these occasions discovered their vocation, or found the courage to make an important choice, or still young people who have definitively chosen in these places for a life of faith.

The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate, who “insert themselves with a spirit of service and adaptation into the local Church, feeling themselves a living part of it and collaborating responsibly in its growth” (cf. Constitutions n.28) cannot fail to follow and support young people in this journey of discovery and rediscovery of the faith, often in a more adult way … For this reason, I am at their side, all the way to Portugal!

Let us listen to their testimonies and those of the young people together with them…from all over the world!


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