Every year the Diocesan Vocation commission, Sara club and Diocesan youth commission together organize an annual Walk for Vocations at the Holy Spirit Seminary in Aberdeen. The event was an opportunity for people to come together to pray for vocations to the church that
the Lord may send out workers into his vineyard (Matthew 9:38).
Taking into account the current situation of Hong Kong, the event was simplified and organized in the compound of the seminary itself. Started with the Eucharistic procession, led by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing, walked around the seminary, offering to participants the chance to meditate deeply on vocations and (re)discover the beauty of Christâs calling, and to be confident that he who calls will never forsake his followers.
After the procession we continued the adoration with the help of âTouchâ, a youth group that promotes this kind of prayer. Through their hymns they made it possible for people to get in âtouchâ with God in a very special way; a special intimacy with God.
Priests and religious sisters were posted around the venue to hear confessions or to have personal talk/counseling for those who wanted to. Therefore the people have chance to rediscover the beauty of Godâs love through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The activity ended with the Holy Mass with Cardinal John Tong Hon as the main celebrant. Bishop Ha delivered the homily in which he invited people to pray for vocations. He stressed that praying for vocations is not to be seen simply as âlooking for people to workâ (a religious vocation is not a job) but asking for the grace of the Lord to send out people filled with the Holy Spirit to work into his vineyard.Â
What the world needs is a Holy Spirit filled priest, sister, deacon, the kind that serve with love and imitate the Master in their way of doing and thinking.Â
Before the end of the Mass, Cardinal Tong blessed a team of âambassadors of prayer for vocations,â tasking them with the mission to pray and promote vocations in Hong Kong.
We all recited the prayer for vocations before the final blessing and the traditional Ite Missa est, sending us out to serve and to continue to pray for vocations.
Sr.Anitha Eddula, Hong Kong