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On 8 September, the Feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the XII General Chapter of the  Missionary Sisters of the Immacolate – PIME has been announced.

The theme of the next chapter will be: “We live the Gospel as an apostolic body, in fraternal and reciprocal obedience” with the desire to seek together God’s plan for our congregation. “Is not one of the most comfortable choices” – sr. Antonella, Congregation Leader, says in the announcement letter – “but we believe it’s necessary because, sharing in the charismatic experience of our foundresses, we want to continue with greater awareness and authenticity the mission of Jesus”.

The Chapter will take place from 8 to 29 September 2024 at Rocca di Papa (RM) in the International Spirituality Center of the Sacred Heart and the participation of 48 delegates among those entitled to and those elected by organisms from all over the world is expected.

Sr. Antonella continues in the letter of announcement: “It is certainly of great consolation to think that the event of the XII General Chapter takes place in a special moment in the life of the Church, that of the synodal process, in which all the People of God are called to walk together towards what the Holy Spirit helps to discern for the greater good of the Church. After the diocesan and continental phases of the process, in which some of our sisters also participated, the first of the two sessions of the Synodal Assembly will take place in Rome from 4 to 29 October 2023, while the second will be held in October 2024, soon after the conclusion of our Chapter. It is the grace of the Spirit, which makes our missionary family feel well guarded by the Mother Church and in journey with her”.

During this year moments of prayer and formation will be organized in preparation for the XII General Chapter, including the novena of the Immaculate, a Marian pilgrimage, spiritual exercises and formation meetings to be carried out in all communities.

We invite everyone to accompany us with the prayer that will support us throughout the preparation process.


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